Yesterday I felt like I was getting sick, and when I went to be last night my temperature started rising, reaching 100.6 by morning and 101 later in the day. I spent much of the first part of the day in bed, feeling extremely tired but otherwise not too miserable. I’m not sure what I have – flu maybe? – but as of tonight my fever has mostly gone down and I feel much better.
Ali followed through on his promise to kill our rooster today. We were all much in favor given his constant crowing and attacks on anyone who ventured too near. After several escapes, we managed to catch him, behead him, pluck him, and gut him. Or rather Ali did these things while I spent most of the time in the house since my fever gave me chills whenever I ventured out. We have him soaking in brine in our fridge at the moment, and we plan on inviting friends over and eating him tomorrow.
I have tests coming up on Monday and Tuesday, so tomorrow will be mostly a day of studying. If I feel well, I may also squeeze in a trip up into the National Forest land.