I realize it’s been well over a week since my last “daily” update. I have acquired a computer game (Sacred) that is rather addicting and so have been doing that rather than posting on here in my free time. This past week went rather fast, with the first four days occupied by prairie pothole surveys. These potholes, formed when large blocks of glacial ice melted to leave depressions, formerly provided good habitat for Trumpeter Swans and all manner of waterfowl and shorebirds. Now all but 10 (of 100) are dry, a testament to the severe drought in recent years. We are surveying plants and birds and photographing each site. As I am the only “bird nut” in the office, birds are my responsibility. So far I have found Brewer’s Sparrows, Sage Thrashers, Red-naped Sapsuckers, Mountain Bluebirds, Warbling Vireos, Yellow Warblers, Willow Flycatchers, several species of teal, Buffleheads, Willets, plenty of Killdeers, Red-tailed Hawks, and many other species. Friday was less exciting as the anomalous rain continued and kept us in the office. I worked on setting up the next part of our lynx habitat survey (which will take a solid four weeks in the field) and preparing for another project involving inspection of range water sources and installation of bird ramps so that birds that fall in while attempting to drink can escape.
This weekend has been rather mellow – mainly cleaning, catching up finances, laundry, and of course my computer game. Chelsea is leaving tomorrow, so we had a farewell dinner at the brewpub last night.
Website updated with two new photo essays.